At 04:01 PM 3/19/2001 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>The results are:
>- BSAC finished in 7 sec.
>- Radiator finished in 23 sec.
>We launch Radiator with "Trace -1" and monitoring it, we noticed that
>all the time the peak of requests per second is 30.

We have gotten over 500 requests per second from Radiator when hitting it
with multiple clients. We can do over 200 from a single client.

Are you including accounting in your requests or are you purely looking at
We send complete requests (auth, acct on, acct off)

What are the specifics of what you are testing?

We send a complete request to a Radiator server which has MySQL in local and
LDAP in remote server

We use Solaris 2.6 and, what do you refer to with 'specifics'? hw? sw? lan?

How many requests per second can your DB handle?
I don't know how many. It's a MySQL server in the same machine that Radiator
(1GB memory, 2 processors) and it only hosts Radiator database

Do U recommend DB tunning?.


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