Hi Julio,

We have a configuration with separate processes for authentication and accounting, 
running on an Enterprise 420 box. Authentication uses iPlanet Directory 4.x, and 
accounting is both to local file and to another radius server. With only 
authentication, we have around 80 auths/sec, but with accounting it drops to below 50 
I guess that with the latest suggestion for improvement of AuthRADIUS.pm, that can 
improve quite a bit.


To see an improvement in performance with separate auth and acct processes, I think 
you need to run more than one instance of radpwtst (and on a separate box, of course :)

-----Original Message-----
Sent: den 20 mars 2001 10:08
Subject: RE: IMPORTANT - Re: (RADIATOR) Performance with RADIATOR

hi all,

first, thanks to all for the recommendations.

The first step was to discard that LDAP was decreasing performance.
We change Authby LDAP2 for a Auth by File and no improvement was obtained.

So, the key is MySQL tunning.

We drop old tables and created new ones with Radiator218-goodies-script
It seems to introduce a new index for RADPOOL.

We repeated the test (I was really excited!) but no improvement was
obtained. :(

The next step was to run two instances of Radiator (auth/acct) and no
improvement was obtained.

As Andy says, probably a hard tune of mySQL will be needed.

Hugh: you say that an improvement of 80 r/s can be obtained running the
new-db-creation-script. Anything else is needed?

I can assure you that if Radiator can reach 80 request per second
constantly, it will our new AAA software upgrade.

I will notify to the list all the results obtained during this day and the
canges we made.


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