At 08:18 PM 3/19/2001 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>We have gotten over 500 requests per second from Radiator when hitting it
>with multiple clients. We can do over 200 from a single client.
>Are you including accounting in your requests or are you purely looking at
>We send complete requests (auth, acct on, acct off)

Sorry, I was really looking at benchmark numbers and not real world usage. 
The numbers that I was thinking of were related to our benchmarking 
Radiator with a minimal config and certainly no accounting. This was back 
when we were determining our hardware requirements for deploying it.

>What are the specifics of what you are testing?
>We send a complete request to a Radiator server which has MySQL in local and
>LDAP in remote server
>We use Solaris 2.6 and, what do you refer to with 'specifics'? hw? sw? lan?
>How many requests per second can your DB handle?
>I don't know how many. It's a MySQL server in the same machine that Radiator
>(1GB memory, 2 processors) and it only hosts Radiator database

I was referring to the MySQL/LDAP part. I am not familiar with LDAP at all 
so I couldn't offer any advise on it. But, MySQL is VERY fast. We can do 
almost 2000 lookups per second on our MySQL servers (we do this with Apache 
querying the DB). The problems come in when you are doing complex or data 
heavy inserts into MySQL. These are more common in Radius accounting. If 
you are running into problems with performance you should look into running 
Radiator and MySQL on different machines. Your DB should certainly be 
running on RAID disk subsystem.

>Do U recommend DB tunning?.

It is definitely one of the first places to look. I would guess that the 
LDAP server could be a big question mark as well. Looking at the Radiator 
reference manual the numbers for LDAP auths per second is significantly 
less than SQL, although I don't know that these numbers have been updated 
since a lot of the LDAP changes have been made, you would have to ask Hugh.

The first thing I would do is split the auth and acct job between two 
processes. Then you can get a better idea of where the problem is. You 
should be spending a lot more time on acct than auth, if you aren't then it 
is probably and LDAP issue. (This is because acct gets two calls for every 
auth [start and stop]).

Also, as your SQL table gets larger from the accounting records you will 
want to groom it. I noticed awhile back that someone had described their 
config where they log to SQL on one machine and then replicate the records 
to there final home on a seperate DB server, they then remove them from the 
original log host. This keeps the number of records to a minimum and stops 
the DB table size from affecting the performance of Radiator.

Something to think about: if 10 requests per second isn't enough for your 
needs you should look into load balancing across multiple Radius servers. 
Certainly if you have that many requests you should have a second server 

Whew, I wrote too much, hope it was at least somewhat helpful.


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