aubuti;494062 Wrote: 
> This is just silly. As has been stated elsewhere, the devs are working
> 100% on SB Touch until it is released, and work on all non-Touch bugs is
> on hold. There's also the little matter that neither the devs nor the
> execs are all yanks, and several work at corporate HQ in Switzerland,
> which isn't part of the EU, but isn't exactly in North America either.
> Just out of curiosity it would be interesting to know if SB ownership on
> the two sides of the pond is anything like the 5:3 population ratio.

Even if you seem to think that this is "silly" for some weird reasons
that I don't want to discuss: Not working on something is different from
ignoring it. If there was at least one bug report about the MYSB issue
that is not declared a duplicate and that is worked on and assigned to a
release, I would feel much better about this issue.

This is btw. also the difference to the "no alarm due to loss of
internet connection" issue that troubles the folks across the pond: For
this problem, there are at least bug reports existing and assigned.

So yes, I think this is ignored because it happens in Europe. I would
really appreciate if the developers in Switzerland would change this
attitude. But currently this doesn't seem to be the case for whatever

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