>Most alarm clocks show the time as it always appears when an alarm goes
>off (and there is a separate snooze button).
And no alarm clocks have a pop-up dialog offering a stop alarm option!

>Perhaps the screen when an alarm fires should be the normal (or near to
>normal) clock screen (as chosen by the user) -- with a small menu option
>for snooze.
Should be whatever the user configures as the alarm screensaver, so it could be 
a multitude of different clock displays, Now Playing screen, etc, or a dialog 
offering a stop option if that's really wanted.

>Not being able to easily see the time when the alarm goes off, almost
>defeats one of the main points of having the alarm go off at a set
Very true.

>Turn off alarm menu choice is NOT needed, since we all know the
>pause/stop button and the power off button.   If snooze is needed, make
>it smaller and the TIME larger.
I agree.  Alarm off (with/without stopping music) is not needed, because 
there's two buttons on the front of the device that are easy to access already.

There is also an alarm timeout option (so alarm can auto stop after <n> 
minutes).  Setting alarm timeout to 0 should mean that when the alarm fires, 
it's no longer in alarm mode and the music plays in normal mode without alarm 
off/pause/continue stuff.

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