jmpage2;519484 Wrote: 
> The issue that I have with you is that you don't acknowledge that
> Logitech has an issue to fix.  There have been several posts about WEP
> not working.

There is insufficent information to state that.

Again, is the problem with people typing PASSPHRASES instead of keys?

That has been a hold up since the days of the SB2 and probably before.

> I'm pretty sure that the problem could be recreated and fixed.
> Instead of politely coaxing additional details that would help make
> this happen, you instead prefer to demean the use of WEP, and imply that
> Logitech shouldn't bother to fix it even if it is broken.

Imply?  Stop inserting what you believe people are saying into their

> The tone of your response above pretty much says it all.  Maybe you can
> try to be more civil in the future instead of coming across as a cranky
> tosser.

>From someone who posts contradictory information in the same thread,
and then denounces someone for happening to have the same side as them
(again, in this VERY THREAD, you suggested turning off encyrption or
abandoing the device), I take your views very seriously.

Maybe you can be consistent instead of attacking people who say the
same thing as you have.

Your two-sided argument where you posts that WEP should be eliminated
from a network and then argue the counter side when someone posts the
same thing, makes it look to me like you're just wanting a fight:  "How
dare you post something in agreement with my prior post!  For that I
will change my argument and argue exactly the opposite."

You, sir, started the attack on your own views, not I.

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