Maybe you should get your facts straight instead of trying childish
redirection in this thread.  Seeing as I've been dealing with your likes
from BBS days I don't think it's going to pose much of a challenge to
show that you are the one who is being foolish.  My flame retardant
undergarments are 20 years old, how old are yours?

Your very first post in this thread included this gem;

Snarly Wrote: 
> WEP is -trivial- to compromise and has been so for years.  A cow-orker
> had a similar problem: my question is simple:... "why are you using
> WEP?"

>From the outset you were less interested in figuring out WHY it was not
working and instead bashing on the very idea of using WEP since it is

My response, immediately after yours was this;

jmpage2 Wrote: 
> I think that the bottom line here is that if the device is supposed to
> support WEP then it needs to. Logitech should be trying to gather data
> from him in an attempt to get this working.
> Just because it's an old protocol that is easily hacked doesn't mean
> that they should only make a 1/2 effort to support it.

I then said that in the *INTERIM* an option would be to turn security
off or ditch the legacy devices.  However, I have made it clear in
multiple posts in this thread that I consider this a *SECONDARY* option,
as the *FIRST* option should be for Logitech to fix whatever
incompatibility there might be in the device.  There's no need for
people to junk perfectly useable 1st generation devices (like the
original Squeezebox) just because WEP is "easily hacked".

It still has to be "hacked" and that's still more effort than most
people will go to.  In other words, WEP still tends to keep random
idiots out of your network, even if it is a protocol that can be

The OP also pointed out that he spent over 1.5 hours on the phone with
Logitech trying to resolve the problem unsuccessfully.  You really think
that in all that time they did not verify that the key he was typing in
was a valid one?  He has an SB 1 that uses WEP I'm pretty sure he
understands that he can't use a PASSPHRASE and must use a WEP KEY.

As I said, the real thing that needs to happen is that he needs to
provide some more information about the model router he has so that we
can determine if the problem can be recreated, and then a bug out can be
opened to try to get the problem addressed.

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