snarlydwarf;519275 Wrote: 
> You should take back whatever is making you use WEP.
> WEP is trivial to break in less than a minute ... meaning it offers as
> much security as duct taping your front door shut intsead of using a
> lock.
> Turn off security or use WPA2/AES.  Anything else is trivial to break.

There are thousands of other devices out there that are WEP only.  Many
people want some very basic security and live in a low density area
where they aren't worried about being hacked by a neighbor but don't
want to run their network 'open' either.

But yes, let's excuse Logitech for not fixing this problem and instead
insist that people throw thousands of perfectly usable electronics in
the trash heap because Logitech can't fix a 12 year old feature in their

Makes perfect sense.

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