Feisty. Sadly, I totally agree with your sentiments.

After much digging/testing/tweaking etc, I have a radio that seems to
be behaving itself - but there are some aspects of usability that drive
me nuts. Some can be eased with third party apps (kudos Erland et al)
but sadly this only adds weight to those SB bashers who say it's just
for geeks.

Bottom line, until the reliability and usability are sorted out, I
personally would actively deter friends & family from purchasing. Harsh,
but true. (Maybe that's a good thing given the scalability issues of
mySB.com) But it's maddening. The radio has fantastic potential, and
it's only a few software issues that keep it from being all it could be.
I can't help thinking that Logitech are squandering a solid-gold
opportunity to have totally dominated the market. Perhaps it is this
very reasoning that is delaying the SB Touch (ie let's get the software
right this time). But for me, the "potential" mass-appeal of the Radio
makes it a far more significant product if you want to drop the "geek"
perception. Talk about dropping the ball. Crazy.

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