jmpage2;519480 Wrote: 
> So,
> I installed Squeezebox Server 7.4.1 in October right after getting my
> Squeezebox radio.  I wrote a pretty nice review for the SB Radio over at
> Amazon and did point out that there were absolutely some software
> glitches and it wasn't too shocking, the nice people at Slim Devices
> would fix it.
> That's before I remembered that Slim Devices was bought by Logitech,
> who apparently isn't capable of fixing much.
> It has been FOUR MONTHS that we've been waiting on a dot dot
> sub-release of code for this radio?  Does this mean we get to wait EIGHT
> MORE MONTHS after 7.4.2 is released before we get the numerous fixes
> pushed to version 7.5?
> I almost bought a couple of more SB Radios as gifts around the
> holidays, but I'm glad I didn't.  My family members are much less
> tolerant of software glitches and bugs than I am.
> Geez.
> P.S.  You guys can forget about me buying your overpriced $50 radio
> battery pack.  I'll just build my own as punishment for making me wait
> so frigging long.  K, thanks, bye.

Umm, there really is nothing "wrong" with the radio as is.  Mine has
worked without any glitches from day one.

Most people's glitches turn out to be user error, a misunderstanding of
the software, not knowing where things are in the menus, a bad
router/wireless network or other such issues.

In fact, it appears most problems are resolved if you use a wired
connection to the radio and use squeezebox server software. and going back and forth has some quirks.

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