Thanks for the replies everyone.  A couple of points:

1.  I don't see why it can't just power down everything *but* the
wireless and still last for several days on battery.  I've got other
wireless devices (with much smaller batteries) that in some cases last
for weeks in this state.  Fair enough, they may not be 'constantly'
connected, but I'm not sure the Radio needs to be either.

2.  Agree with jdoering that it's easy to interpret this as a bug as
it's exhibiting behaviour it never has before, and there appear to be no
related settings on the player or SBS.

Having it power down fully does present a problem in other ways.  For
example, I most often control my various players using Applescript,
which I use to power on the ones I want, set volume, play favourites,
etc.  This clearly won't work with the player powered down, and I'm not
yet sure if it's going to cause the script to error as well.

I can live with it disconnecting itself from the wireless (even at the
expense of the scripting) to save on battery, but I'd rather it went
into some sort of sleep with screen, sound, wireless, etc. off but able
to wake instantly.  The startup sequence takes long enough as to be
annoying in the morning when I go to use it.  



2 x Booms, 2 x SB3, 1 x Duet, 1 x SB Radio
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