erland;525498 Wrote: 
> Marc or bluegaspode, let's focus on the logging. We all know the
> history, there is no point arguing who is right and who is wrong.
> Marc, if I understand you correctly, we need some more logging to be
> able to track the problem ?

I haven't looked specifically at the applet output in the context of
tracking the alarm problems I've seen, Erland.  When I spoke about
logging being lacking earlier I was alluding to the fact that critical
logging data is lost under a variety of conditions.  The logging
subsystem leaves much to be desired at the outset, which makes delving
into specific problems difficult/impossible...  

In the context of the arguing, I think it's obvious at this point that
I take offense to the denigration of my attempts to fix alarms in 7.4.1.
after a variety of my suggestions were dismissed subsequently while
instability remains.   Then to try and blame my code for said remaining
instability...?   Talk about leaving a bad taste in the mouth...

erland;525498 Wrote: 
> If you have the time and inspiration (I can understand if you don't),
> it would be great if you could suggest where in the current version of
> the AlarmSnoozeApplet code in 7.4.2 we should insert these extra log
> messages.
> Logitech will of course still have to decide if they like to insert
> these log messages or not in the production code. However, if they don't
> we can still make a patch which can be installed through my "Patch
> Installer" applet so the people which often get the incorrect fallback
> alarm can provide the necessary log files to Logitech.
> The "Patch Installer" applet requires 7.5 firmware so we can't use that
> before 7.5 is out of the door, but anyone with the right knowledge can
> still install the patch manually. 
> By the way, I've seen the incorrect fallback alarm on 7.5, so it's not
> just 7.4.2 that has this problem.
> Personally, I still feel that Logitech needs to take a look at the
> whole client/server architecture to solve this alarm issue completely,
> but if we can get it to work better with some small changes it could be
> a good temporary solution.
> Feel free to continue the development related discussions in the
> "Developers" section of the forum where it's a bigger chance that
> someone from Logitech sees the discussion.

Unfortunately, I've little remaining inspiration at this point...


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