It may be relevant to you, because your usage pattern of internet/server
may alter whether the Radio is going to suit your requirements or not. 
I think that's what bluegaspode was getting at.

The Radio is designed to be connected at all times to one of a) the
internet and/or b) a local server (whether PC, Mac or NAS).

There is a fallback mechanism for the alarm, but it's only designed as
a failsafe rather than for regular use.

If you have the server software running, but no internet access, then
an alarm sound which is a local music file will work as normal.  If you
have an internet radio station set as your alarm, the fallback tone will
sound.  However, the fallback tone will only work once, so you would
need to reconnect to the internet again for the next day's alarm to
work.  You would also be limited to the fallback alarm sound - which is
a single beep.  Some people find it too quiet, although it's worked for
me the few times I have needed to use it.

If you have no software running, then as long as the Radio is connected
to, and have selected a radio station or similar
(rather than a local file) the alarm should work as normal.

If you have no software and no internet, then you will only ever get
the fallback alarm - and again you would need to reconnect to the
internet/software again before any following alarms will work.

In short, there is a fall back mechanism which should ensure the alarm
will sound, but it's not designed for everyday use.  The Radio is
designed to be connected to at least one of the internet or the server
software at all times.

Hope this helps.


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