bluegaspode;541865 Wrote: 
> Though there are people who wouldn't/couldn't get their Radio back,
> fiddled a bit with the system and now have a rock solid alarm
> function.
> I can only speak of local server operation (which with the arrival of
> the Touch got very easy for anyone wanting to expand anyways) but also
> heard of people with starting to have succeses.
> As you are stuck with the Radio why not just try with the help of the
> forum people to pindown your problems.
> Though Marc might be right with the architecture, its not as worse as
> to allow 'activates at seemingly random times AFTER the intended
> time'.
> Never ever - so chances are your problem can be solved.
> On the other hand: Logitech is advertising the Radio pretty strongly as
> an alarm clock (though not a reliable one :D) ... so if the customer
> support 'admitted' it was 'beta' you have one reason more to give it
> back even outside of the 30days. Don't know the laws in US, but in
> Germany you can give back devices within two years when it has
> malfunctions that were there from the beginning. 
> I also think Logitech will 'help' you getting it back when threatening
> to writing Amazon reports whatever. 
> Be creative.
> Two directions with/without the Radio for you. Just choose.

Valid points.  I, for one, am at firmware version 7.4.2 on my Radios
and not budging.  I never upgraded to 7.5 and don't plan on doing so. 
I've learned already that when one is largely satisfied with the
operation of the Radio that it is counterproductive to upgrade.  While
in doing so you may get access to some new feature(s) touted by
Logitech, you are also directly jeopardizing the functionality that
you've already become satisfied with.  

My alarm works fine, as I always use a local Squeezebox Server (SBS),
never configure an alarm from the web page (only use the Radio front
panel), and I originally fixed the alarm operation myself (quite

Most importantly, since a relatively stable release of the alarm code
was included in the firmware I'm running (7.4.2) the basic alarm
functions are reliable.  There are still issues, like the periodic
audio pop in advance of fade-in and occasional volume weirdness (which
happen due to the architectural problems I discussed previously in post
#14 on the other discussion thread), but those problems aren't bad
enough to make the alarms unuseable.  I can, of course, still expect
additional alarm problems if/when I ever upgrade the version of either
Radio firmware or SBS that I'm running here.  However, Logitech made
relatively minimal modifications to the band-aided alarm code I
provided them to originally fix the alarm problems in version 7.4.1 of
their firmware.  They did indeed make changes to my code (which I
warned against) for the 7.4.2 release, but the relatively minimal
changes represented by that released firmware version in the context of
the alarm applet when contrasted with the later firmware releases is
exactly why alarms are far more stable in 7.4.2.  Now, as Logitech
continues to modify the alarm applet code and/or SqueezeOS (alarms
depend heavily on the SqueezeOS software foundation underneath the
applet) and/or SBS and/or in later software updates the alarm
operation will only become more unstable.  

If you want stable alarms then find a version of the SqueezeBox system
that works and then don't move.  This includes, of course, only using
SBS and not upgrading that version either.  Because of the way the
alarm system is architected, changing the server code (whether SBS or can be expected to directly impact alarm operation.  Don't
forget that you will never be able to standardize on a particular
version of as your server (since Logitech is providing the
server and always changing the implementation/functionality
transparently), thus you shouldn't use if you don't want to
risk alarm operation changing (and likely regressing)...


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