Yes my sb radio has a mind of it's own. I have finally got round to
identifying the symptoms by setting a different screen saver for each
state with a 10 sec delay then noting down what happens.

My sypmtoms are
1) Most annoying of all when playing internet radio it often just
stops. Hitting the preset will sometimes restart it but mostly not. To 
get it going again I have to hit another preset, then when that is
going, hit the first again. When not playing it dispalys the "stopped"
2) When turned off it often turns itself on again, dispalying the menu
for 10 secs then the "stopped" screensaver.

i.e. my radio appears to have an aversion to being in anything other
than stopped mode, so it keeps returning to it from either "playing" of

I am running 7.5.0 r8673 against

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