I have the radio since christmas, and my first user experience was:
Switching it on, and failure to connect to mysqueezebox.com. Image you
gave your new toy, and it's completely useless at all. Well, for me,
this condition lasted for full 2days. I was close to pack up all up and
return it to Amazon.

Then came the server and firmware updates. Which first solved something
and then broke it afterwards. I started to read the forums , got
involved in the technical concept and tweak my way around. Just because
I like doing things like this. I have a new toy, and there's not way I
couldn't control it. I even bought one radio for a good friend of mine,
who just enjoys music and needs a good alarm clock.

She's very patient somehow. Every now and then I ask her if she's still
happy with it. She says "Yes, the alarm clock even managed to wake me up
this morning ...". 

But as someone pointed out earlier - one shouldn't have to dig THAT
deep into the inner workings just to hear music and to wake up in the
morning. I wouldn't do this for my washing machine, for my car .. heck,
for of my other household appliances. I image people calling Logitech
hotline, and I'm almost sure they get no real help, because the whole
concept is so flaky and the knowledge level in this forum is much, much
higher then any call-center supporter.

I now have my own server, and I'm happy again. But the amazon review I
wrote should warn all the other people to be aware of what could come.

Quite biased in my opinion. I want to like this product a lot. The
design is first class, the sound is great and the handling aswell. If
it weren't for the unreliability ... then it could be heaven. The
squeezebox concept is quite old, maybe it's time to design it from the
ground up. But this won't happend for sure. Maybe a new generation will
come one day that breake with the old concepts.

Just my two cents ....


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