0xdeadbeef;550555 Wrote: 
> Hell, this is so annoying. Why can't certain Squeezebox fans stop to
> spam every thread that names the blatant bugs with their "we know
> better what you want" attitude?
As said earlier, the community can't fix the bugs for you, what we can
do is to explain that you might have options if you like to or have to
keep the device.

Most of us aren't saying that you must get a server, we aren't saying
that you want to have a server, we are just saying that getting a
server might solve your problem since Logitech seems to be unable to
fix it at the moment. I completely agree that you shouldn't have to do
this, the device was clearly marketed to work without a server, so it's
false marketing if you need a local computer to be able to use it. I'm
just saying that it might be an option if you like to get out of your
misery and start enjoying the music instead of being unhappy and keep

0xdeadbeef;550555 Wrote: 
> And heck, if Logitech ignores all the unhappy users and doesn't show
> any interest in fixing the issues for such a long time, it's not very
> surprising that customers use the forum to utter their frustration.
Completely correct, I honestly don't have any problem with people
complaining once or twice, I'm just getting tired of hearing it over
and over again from the same persons. 

I know we have a problem, Logitech know we have a problem, everyone
here really know we have a problem. I'm just frustrated that it's
getting less and less lovely to be around here and try to help users
when the complaints never stop. I could just leave all this mess to
Logitech and ignore all the users with problems but for some strange
reason I always seems to come back here with the hope of helping
someone and making someone that's unhappy to be able to get happy
again. I can't fix the bugs, Logitech have to do that, I can possibly
help them to analyze and find the bugs but I can't fix them, it's just
not possible without write access to the source code. I can provide
patched solutions for users with their own server but I cannot fix the
bugs on Logitech's central server (MySB), Logitech have to do that.

However, what I can do is to describe to users with problems how they
can get around the bugs if they don't want to wait for Logitech to fix
them. I know you shouldn't _have_ to do this, I'm just saying that it's
an option if you prefer to be happy instead of unhappy.

0xdeadbeef;550555 Wrote: 
> Telling them that they don't have a problem or that they should shut up
> is not a very sensible approach. Finally fixing the issues after all
> these months would effectively stop people from complaining though.
Completely agree, we are just saying that since Logitech doesn't seem
to be able to fix your problem, there is a solution which you _can_ use
to fix most of them yourself by using a local server assuming you _want_
to. It's all a matter if you prefer to fix the problem yourself and
start enjoying the music or if you prefer to continue being unhappy and
complaining on Logitech. 

It's important that people complain when something isn't working but
it's not important that the same persons repeat the same complaints
over and over again. Everyone, including Logitech, understands that we
have a problem. Does it really get you more happy to repeat it over and
over again ?

0xdeadbeef;550555 Wrote: 
> You would think that the Logitech  management finally realizes that the
> number of complaints in the forum and in Amazon reviews simply reflects
> the situation. And honestly, demanding to move all these threads to a
> faraway "complaints" forum that can be easily ignored is a slap in the
> face of everybody who bought a SB Radio because he believed in
> Logitech's promises.
I've no problem with people complaining, I've no problem with people
that doesn't want to solve their problem themselves. I'm just
fascinated that some people seems to like to be in a state of
unhappiness and like to repeat the same complaints over and over if
something doesn't work, instead of just solving their problem
themselves by either getting rid of the device or using one of the
options that exists to temporary solve the problem until the
manufacturer has solved it permanently.

As I think I've said earlier, the Radio just can't be recommended at
the moment for people that doesn't want to use their own local server.

Logitech has not only advertised that this is an option, they have even
described it as it's the preferred solution to use their central server
instead of having your own. This is also the reason why I'm 100% sure
Logitech is working really hard to solve these problems. 

However, no one here can tell you when and if the problems will be
solved, we can only tell you how you may solve them yourself if you
prefer to not wait for Logitech to do it. The solution with a local
server isn't an option for some people, some people has purchased this
device because it was advertised to work without a computer and don't
want to have a local server. For these people I would recommend to try
to sell or send back the device and possibly reconsider when the
problems has been solved. However, for some people it's an option to
setup a local server because they prefer to have a working system with
a computer where they can enjoy the music instead focusing on that they
have a broken device that just doesn't work as advertised. This is the
reason why we keep repeating that it's a temporary solution to make the
system work, if you prefer that instead of just having a broken device.

Yes, I also understand that this post doesn't help you, because as I've
understood you are one of those that clearly doesn't want to run a local
server. In your case, I would suggest trying to sell or send back the
device unless you have already done so. You can either wait for
Logitech to solve the problem or get a similar product from some other
company that works satisfactory without a local server. In your current
situation, it seems to me like the Squeezebox Radio isn't the best
product to solve your problem. Unfortunately, I don't have any
experience with other similar products so I don't have any
recommendation to what you should get instead.

For people where a local server is an option, I would still like to say
that I strongly recommend the Squeezebox Radio. It's the best music
streaming solution that has ever entered by bedroom.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.isaksson.info) (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'
erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
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