brucegrr;557238 Wrote: 
> (whom you refuse to name or give any illustration of your charge)

Bruce - I think Nazgul is talking about the thread starting here:

If one looks at it one might find the posting of iPhone a bit offending
(though I'm sure he didn't mean it this way). 
A 'BUT' in capital letters possibly is a bit harsh as a response to a
user who did a first reluctant moan on the forum (even in a nice way
with no cursing and ranting, I mean 
> "Love the Radio's but customer service.........not to much." actually is 
> quite nice compared to what we are used :D) .

User diannabill kicks in (actually he seemed to be offended by the
'BUT') and gets answered by an even more unfriendly post (in my
opinion) by pfarrell. 
So much for communication between 'VeryNewUsers' vs 'Senior members'.

Then feelings ran high leading into this thread, not much to analyze
there. When I started posting here I didn't know of this other thread
(and if I did I maybe even agreed to some points of Nazguls first post)
- anyway - I had the endless looping discussions about Radio alarms with
notwired and 0xdeadbeef in my mind.
These were 'NotSoNewUsersButStillEndlessRanting' vs. 'Senior Members'
discussions where I'd still draw the line and don't agree with Nazgul.

To take something constructive from this thread: I think we users that
post quite often should look to write in a more friendly manner to very
new users even if they are ranting. They just don't know better (yet)
and everyone has the right to leave his frustration here (once !).
Also there's nothing wrong in telling everyone what help they can
expect from this forum and where their rantings should be placed (to at
least have a possible small effect on logitech). 

If you look on how erland explains this kind of stuff to users compared
to this particular post by iPhone (as an example) then there are a lot
of shades of grey inbetween. Lets all move a bit to the lighter

I still take the right to put users who repeatedly rant on my ignore
list. Nazgul doesn't belong to this list - given that everyone posted
against him he 'defended' his opinion quite well and calm I think (of
course also changing in the tone depending on how nice people spoke to
him ;) )


1x SB-Controller+Receiver (Duet), 1xSB-Boom. 1xSB-Radio
Server (7.5.1) running on SheevaPlug (Ubuntu) with attached Western
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