Phil Leigh;557065 Wrote: 
> Now I'm replying to you.
> This "service" of which you speak - what is it exactly? Nothing appears
> to have changed...
> People still come here for help and where possible they get it.
> People still come here with issues that can't be addressed via the
> forum community and get directed to the official support channels.
> People still come here to vent.
> Apparently you've been coming here for over 4 years for reasons that
> you haven't yet explained - I can only presume you never had a problem
> or were able to find whatever information you were seeking without
> needing to post (in which case, great!).
> What I don't understand is... Why now? What has precipitated this
> sudden change on your part?
The service is awareness.  I've seen many people, again and again, ask
the "senior users" to stop trying to control the discussions. 
Incredible as it may seem, some of those "senior users" never got the
point. Now, maybe, just maybe, they understand.  And also those people
who asked them to stop now know that they have support in their

Understand, and apparently I need to reiterate this, the helpful posts
are appreciated and truly valuable, I've never once said that the
helpful posts are a problem, though some of the other posters wanted to
attribute that meaning to my words.  I simply want the bullying and
silencing of valid opinions to stop.  This is a public forum and all
opinions are valid and worthy of the disk space they take up.

If you guys want to ignore my posts because I want more civility here
and can logically and effectively discuss my opinion, then your loss. 
It shows your true character I think.  I've said nothing uncivil or out
of line and I've stuck to my topic through all the personal attacks. 
Well, there was that thing about spending too much time on the forums,
but we all know that's true.  And the title of this thread, but that
was meant to grab attention, and worked very nicely I think.

What reason do I need to come here that needs explained?  I'm a SBR
owner and I use it daily, and I'll mention that I use it with
Squeezebox server since that seems to be some random badge of
importance to some of you.  I've followed Slim Devices for years
because I'm a home theater owner and software developer and I have an
interest in their work.

What prompted me into action was reading yet another post where someone
rudely told the original poster that what they said didn't belong here,
and frankly I was fed up.  And here you see the results, a mostly civil
discussion about the issue.  The uncivil parts I can attribute to the
people who are the problem, and frankly I'm not surprised.  When the
bullies get told to stop of course they fight back, and then put their
hands over their ears.  It's typical and expected.

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