The sad reality is that some products are buggier than others. I've had
a Radio since they were introduced so have been through all of the
upgrades and fixes. 

I like the size, appearance, sound quality and feel of the product.
Connectivity? Well, I put that in the flaky but tolerable area. It
should be better, but have little hope it ever will be. 

Unfortunately, the "standard" for connectivity was set by broadcast
radio 80 or 90 years ago. You turned on your table radio and it stayed
on. Sure, your radio went silent if the radio station had a problem or
the sound was poor if the weather got particularly bad, but it always
came back by itself when things at the other end cleared up. 

These days the Radio isn't too bad if I'm home listening. If the
internet stream interrupts for whatever reason, it may come back on its
own, but often the "play" button must be pushed again. If one is
counting on the Radio to simply play all day without attention (we
often leave ours on while at work or out of the house) then it still
isn't very reliable. The odds of it still playing when we come home are
pretty low, and we've got a very solid DSL connection. 

But I don't consider the above a "rant" - just an acceptance that
things are what they are and rather unlikely to change.

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