;653187 Wrote: 
> Wright-MacBook-Air:~ chriswright$ scp root@
> .
> root@'s password: 
> messages                                      100%  180KB 179.5KB/s  
> 00:01 
> does this help at all?


Now look in your home folder if you can find the file named "messages"
you just transfered to your computer , it looks like it worked :) you
copied the message file from the Radio to your computer

Scp means "secure copy" it's syntax is , scp "to" user@"from".

As you did not specify any "to" folder it will go rigth where you where
when you used the command.
The "criswrigth" folder aka home for that user.
The rest of the command was that you as the user "root" copied the file
"messages" located in the folder var/log in the Radio.

You may have to zip it and attach it to your next message


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