TopGeek;687449 Wrote: 
> The firmware is the latest. I regularly ask for an update. It probably
> is a server fault and I am using, not my own PC.
> I'm not clear why you suggest a different time setting and I do not
> want to use the radio station as an alarm. I deliberately selected a
> gentle cascade sound fading in, as my wife sleeps longer than me and I
> respond to the alarm well before it wakes her.

Can't seem to sleep here (while admittedly unrelated to the Radio alarm
- haha), so I'm taking a rare gander at the forum...

Honestly, if your wife is getting upset and you risk her wrath every
time the alarm does something obnoxious then my advice is to stop using
the Radio alarm and start relying exclusively on another alarm device. 
I don't advise this glibly...

The Radio is a fine streaming device, but it is not an adequate or
particularly reliable alarm clock (with the Logitech provided code
base).   Either trust me on this or do some forum searching for the
historical discussions regarding alarms that I've engaged in with
Logitech development.

It will not get better with firmware updates in reality, as the Radio
alarm architecture is not conducive to stability.  Even if a future
firmware version appears to 'get it right', you will always run the
genuine risk of a future firmware update regression that causes
annoying alarm behavior anew.

In your particular case, since you don't care about streaming music or
internet radio as the alarm audio source, there is one additional
option...  you could modify the code to use a truly local (Radio
resident) audio sample of your choice and remove the server entirely
from the equation.  Then the alarm behavior would be maximally stable
for your purposes.  You would, however, be stuck in having to reapply
the code changes after every Radio firmware update pushed down from
Logitech if you did this...

Frankly, if your domestic situation is at any risk then you'll do well
to posthaste abandon the notion that the Radio provided alarm
functionality will never again stir your other half with a jolt.  Cut
your losses and enjoy the Radio for its streaming while you fall back
to another alarm device to keep the peace in the bedroom...


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