Any comment or solution from Logitech on this?  Seems to me that the
Radio cannot gracefully reconnect to the WiFi network once it loses it's
connection, particularly if people are using WPA2.  Clearly people are
able to connect to the WiFi network initially (for the most part) but if
the WiFi connection is interrupted temporarily for any reason the Radio
gets confused and cannot re-establish the connection once the WiFi
network is available again.  This has been my experience and
interestingly my Router will show the Radio as connected but the Radio
has the red icon.  I don't have this problem with my BOOM on WiFi,
perhaps Logitech can check the firmware between the two models in terms
of what happens when the WiFi connection is dropped how the connection
is re-established particularly with WPA2.  Common Logitech please look
at this, you are selling a product that clearly does not work as

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