Michael, thanks for all the info. Are you a representative from

I'm an engineer in the SB/SR team. But I'm no official spokesman. I'm only trying to give answers because none of the "officials" really understands the problem this community has with the latest development.

Question: I see that there is a new Boombox and a radio, but are there
plans for a UE device to connect with an existing stereo system (similar
to the SP3 or the Touch)?

I can't talk about plans.

Also, is the new Boombox available in black?
Is there a subwoofer output jack?

No idea.

Can these new devices synch? Will they

The boombox or the Smart Radio? The latter can, the former not.

somehow be able to synch with the phased-out Squeezeboxes (either by a
downgrade to the Squeezes to the UE level or some kind of SB software
patch to add SB/UE compatibility? It seems to me that if there were some


Will there be long term support in the far future for those of us who
have invested so much in a variety Squeezebox devices?

The official reply probably would be "yes". But there's no definition of "far future".


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