This has certainly been an interesting week on the forums. I am
certainly not as tech savvy as many of you here are, but these are my

1. There have been many posts about people having issues w the way the
SB?LMS system works for them. If many of the options previously
available are not there, many of these issues go away and hopefully make
the product or products more out of the box user freindly.  One might
then forecast increased sales volume/wider market.

2. The features that many miss in a new platform might possibly be
addressed by 3rd party plugins or other work-arounds. There are many
very talented people on these forums who provided some of these things
to the SB/LMS platform. I would guess that some would pursue like
options w the new products.

3. Most of us I would guess wished that Logitech had continued and
improved the current hardware and software. We are probably a small
slice of the overall market though and dumbing down the product makes
good business sense to Logitech. Operating a business w a forward
looking approach is the only logical way and I believe that this is what
has happened. 

4. The need to be connected to the internet is from my perspective a
large miscalculation and limits the market to an extent. But look at the
tremendous growth of the iphone/smartphone business all internet
connected. Does it not make sense for them to pursue marketing along
those lines.  Does it make me happy-not a bit.

5. Decisions like the ones Logitech has made made and will make are
based on an individuals perception of what will sell. They are not made
solely to maintain the contentedness of past customers.  I do not recall
anyone contacting me to assist me w or consult me about the transition
from 8-track tapes to cassetes to Cds or VCR tapes to DVDs. These
changes will continue to happen.

6. We should be thankful for the support that Logitech has given us in
the past and appreciate what we receive in the future.  We should also
strive to keep these forums a viable place for people to get any
assistance we might be able to offer-that is why I believe these forums
have survived.

7. I believe we need to continue to push for backwards compatibility of
new software w Squeezebox hardware and to also push for a unit than can
be connected to the home stereo system.

8. Am I happy, no. Do I understand, yes. Are some of my conclusions
wrong, certainly.

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