Philippe911 wrote: 
> Hello eveybody,
> I see with great interest it's possibe to make this upgrade.
> But I'm no "IT Man" and I've no idea how to apply/follow your tips !
> I had read that Logitech had intended to give public & clear
> instructions regarding this ungrade,
> and thus in ""
> Is this project always ongoing ?
> I also constate that it is now impossible to reach "".
> Anybody knows why ?
> Warm thanks in advance for your tips !
> Philippe911

Take warning from the fact that with a UE Radio you'd just have a
expensive brick if, sorry when, the server is down! If you stick with
the SB Radio you can still use LMS on a local computer or NAS and still
have acces to local music, internet radio, spotify, if you install
Triodes version, and so on. With UE Radio you're left up **** creek
lacking both paddle and canoe when the server goes down. Whether you
choose to believe that Logitech will make a more commited effort with
the UE server (and product line) than they've shown with the SBoxes is
up to you, I judge from what people do, not from what they say.
I use LMS and hope my setup will continue to work for years but I
don�t expect any support from Logitech and I don't recommend their
products anymore. The Squeezeboxes were an excellent product line,
Logitechs handling of them, sadly, far from excellent.

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