bluegaspode wrote: 
> The old instructions on the Wiki for some reason didn't work for me
> (
> Here is how I installed UE on my bathroom Radio (at your own Risk -
> Michael said right now there is now way back, didn't test that yet): 
> >   >   > 
  -  download firmware from
  > http://update/firmware/10.0.0/baby_10.0.0_r16943.bin
  -  with winscp copy it to the Radio. Preferred to the folder /media
  > on the Radio.
  > For me this didn't work though, due to the limited space on the
  > Radio. But a trick will do: Copy the file to the folder /dev. It's a
  > different partition with enough room.
  > Then ssh into the Radio and create a symlink from /media to the
  > /dev
  >   > 
    >     > 
    > cd /media
    > ln -s /dev/baby_10.0.0_r16943.bin baby_10.0.0_r16943.bin
  >   > 
  -  Now enter your Radios menu and go to Settings -> Advanced ->
  > Update firmware. You will get an option for version 10.0.0
  > > > 
> So,das Update ha ich jetzt in media ordner kopiert mit WinSCP aber
> wo(wie) gebe ich jetzt Code ein ??
> cd /media
> ln -s /dev/baby_10.0.0_r16943.bin baby_10.0.0_r16943.bin

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