Thanks for the hints. I know that there are many factors influencing
WiFi connectivity.

Wiring these two Radios temporarily would mean to run cables of ~10
meters over the floor. I'd rather want to avoid this. :) And I don't
like to invest in powerlan adapters, since this setup worked over years
- yes, I know, the neighborhood could have changed. And to answer your
questions: yes I've checked interferences with neighborhood signals and
it's still ok-ish and my access points use fixed control channels for

But what makes me think that it's not a typical WiFi issue are the
following points when the problem occurs:
- I've checked WiFi signal strength on the Radio and on LMS WebUI and it
was at least 60%
- I can switch the Radio to MYSB and back to LMS without problems (which
obviously involves network operations) and then the issue is gone
- the music plays 10-15 minutes without re-buffering before it stops
- after I've selected and started the local music, the now playing
screen shows correct track and cover information only for a second or
two and then it shows no progress indication and track and cover
information from before switching it to standby mode
- LMS WebUI shows correct track and progress is in sync with the music
playing on the Radio

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