bpa wrote: 
> LMS does not use the player name in any significant way (and routers etc
> do not use it all for connectivity) - IP address and MAC address are the
> important ones.
> Player name set through LMS WebUI Setting/Player is enough.
> What is your network topology ? Routers, APs, extenders etc.
> I have an Asus N66U router with a DHCP pool 1 to 100, all the assigned
> ip adresses are outside this range. I have an old Saneo AP that is never
> used by the radio's. A have a modern AP with both 5ghz and 2.4 GHZ
> radio's. This AP has one SSID bound to the two radio's using MAC
> filtering, its channel is set tot 6. I have done this recently in the
> hope that it would change something.
> If the problem is poor wifi signal - that may not be possible.
> If you have an android phone / tablet - run a wifi analyser at each of
> the Radio's location to see what wifi signals are present,
> strength/quality  of your network and whether there are other networks
> in the areas ? 
> Strength and interference are the wifi issues to look for.  Strength is
> easily measured and your Radios will show it - what are the Wifi
> quality.strength values as shown in your Radio Setting  menu ?
> Interference can be from other wifi networks but also Bluetooth devices
> and other electrical item such as microwave, fluorescent lights, etc.
> anything that can generate signals in the 2.4Ghz range.
> If problem is recent (i.e. only in last 2 month) - check what has
> changed ?  Possibly new wifi networks  or  new wifi devices ?   How old
> is the router - routers can die gradually with fading radio signal
> quality

The WiFi signal is very strong, there are some neighbors that are very
nearby, but they have always been there and signal from the AP is the
strongest. I have never owned a microwave

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