toby10 wrote: 
> WiFi basics
> Some very basic WiFi tweaks to possibly improve signal strength and
> reliability
> ___Router Administration Basics (1-5 require admin access to your
> router):
> 1.  use a unique SSID name (name of your network/router)
> 2a.  if using a G WiFi:  set WiFi to G only (turns off a & b modes)
> 2b.  if using an N WiFi: set to G Compatibility mode (if using G
> devices)
> 3.  change the broadcast channel to the least used channel near you (see
> *)
> 4.  select a FIXED ch, do not use the “auto ch switching” on the router
> 5.  choose only channels 1 or 6 or 11   
> ___Physical (location)
> 6.  router and WiFi antenna orientation adjustments can help signal
> strength
> 7.  try to locate the router as “central” to the home as possible,
> keeping in mind length & width & height
> 8.  keep router away from other electronic devices (cordless phones, ISP
> modem, computers)
> ___Simple Maintenance
> 9.  reboot WiFi router every once in a while (once a month is usually
> sufficient)
> * If your WiFi network card software already gives the ch numbers and
> the signal strength of all nearby networks, that's all you need.  But
> there are free programs like NetStumbler if needed.
> Why?
> 1.    This prevents accidental connections.  WiFi devices can only
> differentiate between different WiFi’s by that WiFi’s name (SSID).   So
> if both you and your neighbors WiFi are both named “Linksys” your
> devices may accidentally connect to your neighbors WiFi.  And your
> neighbor may accidentally connect to your WiFi.
> 2.    The old a & b WiFi protocols are very slow, if any a or b device
> connects to your network all devices on your WiFi will slow down to the
> a or b speed.  Also broadcasting in a and b can cause the G signal to be
> weaker.  Turning off a & b broadcasting on your WiFi can give as much as
> a 20% signal boost to your G signal.
> 3.    Rather obvious, G devices need to communicate with a G signal
> 4.    To see what WiFi channels are in use near you a free program like
> NetStumbler
> can be used if your computers WiFi program does not show channel
> numbers.
> Ex:  If the strongest competing signals around you are ch's
> 6 and 11, then choose   
> ch 1 for your WiFi.
> 5.    Ex: ch’s 2, 3, 4, 5 will overlap with ch’s 1 and 6
> 6.    Just moving the router a few feet up/down or in a different part of
> the room can make a big difference.  Ex:  mine is on the shelf of a
> first floor closet in the center of the house, so the WiFi is basically
> “centered” for all points in the house.  Ethernet cables are CHEAP so
> cost wise it is not expensive to move the WiFi router to most anywhere
> in the home.  Cost aside, it needs access to power and how Ethernet
> cables are run to the router is another issue (might be visible)
> 7.    reduces likelihood of RF interference
> 8.    routers are basically a mini linux computer and they can have issues
> (memory leaks, DHCP confusion, DNS resolution problems, etc..) like any
> other computer where a simple reboot can improve performance.  Reboot is
> simply unplugging it for 30 seconds, plugging it back in.
> SqueezeBox players are only G compatible, the router must utilize the G
> spectrum for your player to work on an N router.  G speeds are more than
> sufficient to handle any audio transmissions over WiFi (i.e. N is not
> needed for audio).

I had seen this post, thank you very much. I think I have done it all.
My channel is now set to 1. My AP is in the dead center of my house. I
reboot my router at least once a month. I have a SSID specific to the
radio's, only they can connect using MAC filtering. Wifi in both boxes
is strong (75 and 100 %) Unfortunately i can not set my router nor my AP
to 'G Only'. It is either B and G or only 'N'.
I have also changed my firmware on my Asus N66U router from Merlin to
the latest Asus firmware, which turned out to be much more recent. I
will keep everybody posted, but I can see a future where I do need to ad

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