RichardDavies wrote: 
> I have 4 Squeezebox Radios in my house connected to my WiFi network.
> After months of frustration with them mysteriously losing their WiFi
> connection, I was relieved to find this thread and the relatively simple
> and cost effective suggestion of using a Vonets WiFi bridge to work
> around this problem. So I purchased a VAP11N-300 adapter for each radio
> and used the SB radio power supply to power both the adapter and radio
> as others suggested.
> Although this initially worked, I've had problems with the
> durability/reliability of these adapters. Sometimes after a day or two,
> or a few weeks, or even a month or more, an adapter will suddenly quit
> working. When this happens they don't seem to power up any longer, no
> lights come on, and power is no longer passed through to the SB radio. I
> wonder if maybe the radio draws a little more power than the adapter was
> meant to handle and eventually it burns up/wears out something inside
> the adapter?
> Anyway, I've had Amazon replace several of them as "defective" so I
> think over time I've tried a total of 7 different adapters and 5 of them
> have eventually quit working. I'm getting frustrated again because I
> can't keep replacing these adapters. I was curious what other people's
> experience has been with these adapters? Have they been more reliable
> for you? Is the "G" version (VAP11G-300) better? Does anyone have any
> recommendations for a similar adapter that might last longer?

The Vonets that I referenced earlier up thread that died was the
VAP11N-300. I'm about 2weeks+ into the replacement with no issue (knock
on wood), but I think it's like Tony T said and these are just cheap

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