POMdev wrote: 
> This is the first report of the mitigation not working in every case.
> How many times has this happened? What wlanpoke version are you running?

I want to add another report of the mitigation not working in every
case. I have four SB Radios connected to WiFi in my house. All four were
successfully using wlanpoke v0.6.3 to mitigate all lost connections. I
updated one of them to v0.7.0 (and then later to v0.7.1 and v0.7.2) and
since updating it to 0.7.x it now loses its connection after about 12-24
hours and requires a manual reboot. When I updated it from 0.6.3 to
0.7.2, the only thing I changed with the configuration was to add "-W
quick" to enable the quick webserver.

The other radios still using 0.6.3 are still staying connected without
any issue. Can you think of any reason why 0.7.2 would be less reliable
than 0.6.3 at restoring the lost WiFi connection?

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