POMdev wrote: 
> Right. I read through the Networking.lua code to see what it was doing,
> then to the icon, and setting the status, and got lost! But in the
> meantime, in investigating a too-long red icon, checking routing (cat
> /proc/net/route), the gateway was missing, and didn't return for quite a
> while. Apparently, the re-association alone caused this entry to be
> deleted, hence the down/up reset, which I thought would trigger a lease
> renewal to restore the entry. It did, but not rapidly enough.
> But then, using your tip, wpa_cli reassoc  ; kill -s USR1 `cat
> /var/run/udhcpc.eth1.pid` ; cat /proc/net/route works very quickly, the
> gateway entry is still there, and the icon does not turn red at all, an
> apparent big improvement over the previous code.
> However, after doing this several times, my radio on the TTL serial now
> works with the just re-association alone, perhaps beaten into
> submission? I wonder knowing what is causing the gateway entry to be
> deleted, and that 'arp' 'address in use' message seen earlier?
> Perhaps this also will improve the success rate of the so-called
> ResetQuick() method. This deserves some testing to make sure there are
> no side effects. Thanks again.

A successful re-association will trigger the -wpa_action- script into
"kicking" -udhcpc- into renewing the lease. I think that taking the
interface down at this point with -ifconfig- simply prevents/hinders
-udhcpc- from doing its job. One shouldn't need to be "kicking" -udhcpc-

I imagine that the gateway is being cleared by -udhcpc-, immediately
prior to renewing the lease, after which it would load the new one. I
doubt that re-association per se is the cause. But I haven't checked
that. -udhcpc- is part of busybox, so the source code could be checked
to obtain complete clarity.

The "arp address in use" message is caused by not getting a "null'
response to the ping in reasonable time (refer code in
-Networking.lua-). If the interface is down, -arping- won't even try.
SqueezePlay doesn't know/care what the true cause of the error is.

Remark: SqueezePlay does most of its work using -ifup[i/] and
[i]ifdown-, which pull the pre-up, post-down, etc., network action
scripts into play.

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