POMdev wrote: 
> -...none of them have an apostrophe...- The logs would not contain
> entries with a single quote (a.k.a. used as an apostrophe on a
> keyboard), because the single quote would cause a fault in the logging
> function, causing the script to exit before the log is written. An
> update is planned to address this limitation. To see an SSID with a
> single quote, use any other WiFi client, e.g., a cell phone.

I have looked on my cell phone, laptop and other devices and haven't
seen an apostrophe for any of the SSIDs in my area.  

> -...music will pause for a while and a \"rebuffering\" message ...- How
> long is the pause? What is your signal level and connection speed? Once
> the connection is reestablished, there might be some additional
> processing to reestablish the music stream. Consider changing the 6
> failed ping threshold to 3 failed pings to reduce the outage by about 8
> seconds (2.6 seconds * 3 fewer ping trials), it may do the trick.

When this happened my signal level was good and reported in the log as:
Quality:65/94 Signal level:-30 dBm Noise level:-96 dBm

I also had one instance where wlanpoke successfully reset the wifi link
but the music stopped playing and never started again.  The LMS server
just showed the time line for the song going from 2:20 to about 2:26,
then jumping back to 2:20 again and repeating.  I just stopped the song
playback on the radio (held down the pause) then hit play and it started
playing again.  I don't think this is anything associated with wlanpoke,
but some issue with the radio and the LMS Server. I have seen this
happen before (rarely) in the past.  

I will try changing it to 3 failed pings.  I noticed from the logs that
several times there are 1 or 2 failed pings but no more and the radio
continues to work, but almost 100% of the time if there were more than 2
failed pings, it went all the way to 6 and triggered a reset.  So I
agree that 3 will probably be ideal for me. Is there any point in
changing the ping time from the default 2 to 1 second?  With it set at 2
it is closer to 2.5-3.0 seconds like you said, so I am not sure changing
to 1 would shorten the time that much.  

> -...wlanpoke exiting for no reason after a wifi reset attempt....- Is
> the reset attempt from wlanpoke, or using the radio's UI? In any event,
> the script should not have a fault here. Any assistance in finding the
> fault would be very helpful. I was running the script in an 'ash shell
> with debugging enabled'
> (https://github.com/PomDev2/wlanpoke/issues/7#issuecomment-963230049) to
> catch an exit that only rarely happened, but it never did before the
> power failed and rebooted the radio and stopped the trial run.

It was a wlanpoke reset attempt.  I will set things back up and be sure
to capture the the more detailed log that is stored on the radio this
time.  At the time I hadn't read through the manual file yet and wasn't
aware that those had a limited size and I would lose the data after a
while.  So far I have only had 2 wlanpoke exits.  One was within 8 hours
of playing music, and the other was after 3 days of being on, but not
playing music.  

> -...the web server with info (i use the slow option) seems to fail with
> some regularity....- Another user reported this as well on 'github'
> (https://github.com/PomDev2/wlanpoke/issues/4). That was perhaps never
> resolved. It is quite a mystery. Too bad it doesn't happen here on my
> seven radios. For completeness, try the 'quick' option. You can get the
> full report, and refresh it to get the most up to date info.

Ok, I will try the quick option.  

I saw one person say they couldn't get wlanpoke to work for them until
they added the -X option to disable the tcp logging.  If you do not have
-X (so logging is on) but you do not have anything receiving the log on
the LMS server, does this typically cause problems?  I do have ncat
running on the LMS server, but I was just curious about this.

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