rojikewl wrote: 
> At some point in the past two years, my three Squeezebox Radios suddenly
> lost their ability to stay connected to Wi-Fi. To get them reconnected I
> would have to reboot them, but they would always lose their connection
> again in as little as five minutes. They would almost never stay
> connected for more than 40 minutes at a time. I was using a common
> Linksys router, and nothing in my setup had changed. The Radios
> basically became glorified clocks displayed in my home. My two
> Squeezebox Touch units were unaffected, but the loss of the Radios
> caused me to use the Touches less as well.
> A few days ago I finally installed POMdev's wlanpoke on each Radio. This
> fix has breathed new life into them--they now stay connected without the
> need for frequent reboots. POMdev, I'm grateful—thank you very much.
> In preparation to install the fix, I noticed that about six months ago,
> in his (?) first (and so far only) post on this forum, mankan requested
> that someone write "instructions for dummies" for wlanpoke. Having
> recently struggled through the user manual as a non-technical user, I
> agree that such instructions are necessary, so I am taking a stab at
> writing them by describing, step by step, how I installed wlanpoke on my
> three Squeezebox Radios. If anyone notices any problems with my
> instructions, please let us know. I'm afraid that most non-technical
> users may have given up on their Radios by now, but I hope these
> instructions help someone.
> Please note that these instructions are for installing the fix without
> enabling the logging (extensively documented in the user manual) that it
> provides for troubleshooting purposes. I chose to disable the logging in
> the hope that the fix would simply work. Since it does, I don't
> anticipate having to enable logging.
> Now for the instructions. I used a Windows computer on the same Wi-Fi
> network as my Squeezebox Radios to do the following:
> 1. Download wlanpoke: Go to , click
> on the green button labeled Code and then click on Download ZIP. Save
> the file to your computer.
> 2. Open Windows Explorer and locate the downloaded file
> Right-click on the file, and select "Extract All".
> This will extract the contents of the compressed file to a folder named
> wlanpoke-main.
> 3. Enable the Radio's SSH server by navigating as follows:
> Home | Settings | Advanced | Remote Login
> and selecting Enable SSH. When you do this, make a note of the Radio's
> IP address, which is displayed on the screen in the following message:
> "The root password for this device is 1234 and you can connect to it on
> address [IP address]"
> 4. Back on your computer, download WinSCP from the page
> and install it.
> 5. Launch WinSCP. A login window should open (if you need to open a
> login window manually, click on the "New Session" tab toward the top
> left). Under Session, for the file protocol, choose SCP. For the host
> name, enter the IP address you saved in step 2. Leave the port number
> unchanged. For user name, enter "root". For password, enter "1234".
> Click on "Login". You will see one or two warnings asking if you want to
> proceed. Answer Yes. If you get an error message that says "Error
> getting name of current remote directory," dismiss it by clicking OK.
> 6. The WinSCP window now displays your computer's files and folders on
> the left and your Squeezebox Radio's files on the right. On the
> Squeezebox Radio side, navigate to the root directory (the folder at the
> very top of the hierarchy). You can do this by clicking on the root
> directory button that is shown above the list of files, to the left of
> the home button. Now, navigate to the folder named "etc" by
> double-clicking on it. Now click on the New button, which is just below
> and to the right of the root directory button. Choose "Directory", and
> for "New folder name", type "wlanpoke". Once the wlanpoke folder has
> been created, double-click on it to display the contents of the folder,
> i.e. nothing as of yet.
> 7. In your computer files (displayed on the left-hand side of WinSCP),
> navigate to the contents of the folder wlanpoke-main, created in step 2.
> Select all 11 files and drag them to the opposite side of the WinSCP
> window to copy them into the wlanpoke folder. (Answer yes and/or OK to
> any scary-sounding confirmations.)
> 8. The purpose of this step is to change permissions for the shell
> scripts to "executable". In the menu bar at the top of the WinSCP
> window, click on Commands, and then click on Open Terminal. Then, for
> each of the following two lines of text, copy the entire string of text,
> paste it into the field labeled "Enter Command" in the console, and
> click on the Execute button:
> chmod 755 /etc/wlanpoke/*.sh
> chmod 755 /etc/wlanpoke/rcS.local.example
> 9. Click on Close to close the terminal window. The Squeezebox Radio
> side of the WinRCS window should still show the contents of the wlanpoke
> folder. Right-click on the file rcS.local.example and click on Copy.
> Next, navigate to the folder /etc/init.d by clicking on the root
> directory button (to the left of the home button) and then double
> clicking first on the etc folder and then on the init.d folder.
> Right-click in the white space below the list of files and then select
> Paste. A confirmation dialog box titled Duplicate will appear. Remove
> the characters ".example" from the end of the target remote path so that
> it now reads "/etc/init.d/rcS.local" and click OK. You should see that
> the file rcS.local has appeared in the list of files on the Radio.
> Right-click on the file rcS.local, select Edit, then select Edit again.
> 10. Now that you have the rcS.local file open, edit the last line
> (/etc/wlanpoke/ &) by placing the characters -x followed by a
> space character before the final ampersand. In other words, edit this
> line so that it reads as follows (this edit is to specify that you don't
> want any messages to be sent to a logging server):
> /etc/wlanpoke/ -x &
> 11. Close the file editor. When asked if you want to save the file,
> click on Yes. Answer Yes again if asked if you want to continue with the
> connection, and click OK to dismiss any error message.
> 12. Close WinSCP, answering Yes when asked if you want to terminate the
> session without saving a workspace.
> 13. Disable the Radio's SSH server by navigating as follows (the manual
> doesn't say to do this, but I disabled it because I don't know if
> leaving it enabled constitutes a security risk):
> Home | Settings | Advanced | Remote Login
> and deselecting Enable SSH.
> 14. Restart the Squeezebox Radio (I believe this is necessary to
> activate the fix). Your Radio's Wi-Fi connectivity should now be back to
> normal, for the most part. Repeat for each additional Squeezebox Radio
> you are once again lucky enough to own.

rojikewl- I installed this fix and it worked.  Thank you for sharing it!

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