[One of the reasons given for invading Afghanistan and
Iraq was to 'liberate' women. In Iraq alone over 4000
women were raped by the US 'liberators' (see photo
below). The youngest victim was an 8 years old child
and the oldest, a 64 year old grand mother. (The
bombing in Turkey, blamed on AlQaeda, was in fact by
Turkish Muslims infuriated by the rape of their Iraqi
Muslim sisters, according to some sources). 
In Bosnia and Kosova, the US army contractor DynCorp
traded under-aged girls in prostitution - middle aged
soldiers were having sex with 12 to 15 year old
"...Americans were seen in Bosnia as defenders of the
children.. until U.S. contractors began buying
children as personal sex slaves".
Abuse of non-Muslim women is far more serious than the
situation of Muslim women. In Israel, prostitution is
a billion dollar industry. In Israeli brothels, East
European women are held sex-slaves and their human
rights violated (National Geographic, Sept -2003), but
if anyone criticises Israel for such moral abhorrence,
that would be anti-Semitism. A father who ordered a
prostitute in a Tel Aviv hotel had a shock of his life
- the prostitute who arrived in his room was his own
daughter. In India millions of female children are
murdered; brides are burned alive for failure to bring
dowry. In the West, women are exploited in all kinds
of manners from prostitution, pornography, incest,
rape, to physical abuse and murder. The Muslim women
are saying " the Sick must heal thyself".]

The 'Rape of Iraq' Acquires a New Meaning
The Arabic ideology could safely be summed up in one
word: honour. Honour to Arabs, however, bear a very
specific significance. Honour is a word that is
attached to the land and chastity of women. It is the
Arabic version of nobility. Trespassing on Arabian
honour is the biggest sin there is to commit, be that
in the name of liberation or worse still, occupation.
As an Arab writer, reporting on the rape of the looted
Arab honour of Muslim women is a major decision I had
to make against the ethics of my culture and the
morality of my society. Yet, I had to do it; someone
had to do it. And here I register my very honest
apology for publishing this report that opens wounds
of many Arab families in Iraq and hurts the pride of
the Arab nation, confirming that if we all keep our
mouths shut, the illegitimate American occupation will
feel free to lie to its teeth, even more. 

This photo  shows one instance of four thousand cases
of alleged rape against Iraqi women by USA soldiers
since the occupation began. 

Claiming to liberate Iraqis from its tyrant ruler, Mr.
Bush Jr. packed troops and digital missiles in an
adventure to conquer the proud Arab leader and teach
him a lesson, after promoting Saddam as the evil of
all ages. After the deliberate destruction of the
infrastructure, cutting power and water supply,
seizing people, crushing the gates of the Central Bank
in Iraq and throwing Iraqi Dinars in the Streets , and
looting the Museum of Baghdad with its 5000 years-old
artefacts, the American genius of technological
civilisation and economical globalisation went on to
dismantle the Iraqi army, open presidential palaces
for muddy combat boots to foul the sheets of the
presidential bed, tartar-like. The dishonourable
murder of the president’s sons was not even the finale
of that barbaric aggression. Iraqi citizens are
tortured, arrested and physically raped by the
American troops. Their revelling in the act of sexual
torture was documented by the American mercenaries
themselves. An American Muslim sent the pictures to
Arabia. Claims that the pictures are not authentic or
that rapes are not the order of the day for occupied
Iraq is no different from the claim that Saddam was a
threat to the US for possessing WMDs. The rape of Iraq
was on top of the American agenda since Bush Sr. ; and
today, his son lives to finalize the map of

As Dr Susan Blocks put it in her article: The Rape of
Iraq, published 15th April 2003, before she even
learnt of the sexual rape of Iraq : “At the moment,
there is not a functioning hospital in Baghdad. The
Iraqi Antiquities Museum has been cleaned out of
5000-year-old priceless antiquities, most stolen, some
smashed to pieces in the fury of “liberation.”. This
is not just Iraq’s heritage that the illegal
Anglo-American rape of Iraq has destroyed; this is the
heritage of the Western world, the archaeological
legacy of the Cradle of Civilization, the land of
Abraham and Sarah, the ancient Sumerians and the
legendary Garden of Eden. Marines guard the oil fields
and even, brazenly, the Oil Ministry, leaving the
hospitals, museums and the shops of hard-working
Iraqis to the looters. What Block noted, probably by
sheer guesswork, is that the occupation of Iraq by the
American mercenaries was ‘rape’ to Arabs – the gravest
sin against Arab honour. 

The rape of Iraq - civilisation, history, economy,
homeland and future is crowned now by a shameful
record of sexual torture of 4000 reported cases of
rape of Muslim women in traditional Arab dress.
Peasant women in their black gelabas and in their
forties and fifties are forced to perform fellatio on
members of uniformed cowboys under the gun. Group
rapes and military orgies became the order of the day.
Women are pulled out of their homes by the hair across
the desert sands to host the liberating troops between
their legs.  

As the Socialist web explains: “One month after the
fall of Baghdad to the US military, the real reasons
for the Bush administration’s illegal war against Iraq
are coming clearly into focus. Behind Washington’s
rhetoric about “liberation” and “democracy,” America’s
financial oligarchy is preparing to enrich itself
through the outright theft of an entire nation’s
wealth”. And what is surprising if a country that is
congratulating itself daily on the philanthropy of its
dream, sees nothing wrong in waging wars against
countries on all continents of the globe – nothing
wrong in naming Bin-Laden a worker of freedom one day
for driving the Russians out of Afghanistan, then
calling him the most wanted a few years later for
being behind the WTC bombing without producing
evidences past fake video tapes? 

When the Iraqi daily newspaper, As-Saah, reported on
the rape of two teenager girls, aged 14 and 15, who
were talking to American soldiers in Suwaira, 180km
south of Baghdad, one day when the soldiers suggested
they accompany them to their camp to take pictures but
then collectively raped the pair, the US Central
Command had the guts to comment: “Absolutely false!”
That was reported on the 9th June 2003. 

The US Central Command confirmed that they “take any
claim of this nature extremely seriously, have looked
into the allegations and found nothing whatsoever to
substantiate the accusations, including checking local
hospital records,” it said. But while the US Central
Command blatantly remarked that “the As-Saah newspaper
clearly and blatantly abused its recently attained
freedom to report responsibly to the Iraqi people,”
the series of more shocking rapes continue in the face
of the American lies. 

On the 18th July, Awakened Women reported the case of
Sanariya, a 9 year old who was raped two months
earlier by the American Mercenaries.  The concept of
honour in Arabian lands stands in the way of seeking
reportage. And as the Awakened Women added: “For most
Iraqi victims of abduction and rape, getting medical
and police assistance is a humiliating process. Deeply
traditional notions of honour foster a sense of shame
so strong that many families offer no consolation or
support for victims, only blame.” 

Girls are not going to schools; women are not
reporting to work. Beyda Jafar Sadiq, 17, made the
simple decision to go to school on the morning of May
22nd and never returned. Her family has been looking
for her ever since. They have appealed to every
international nongovernmental organization, the Iraqi
police and the American authorities. Her eldest
brother, Feras, 29, has crisscrossed the country,
visiting the morgue in Basra in the south, travelling
to Amara and Nasiriya on reports from acquaintances
that they saw a girl who looked like Beyda.  Dr.
Younis said "Even when women come to the hospital with
injuries that are consistent with rape, they often
insist something else happened. “A 60-year-old woman
asserted that she had been hit by a car. The mother of
a 6-year-old girl begged the doctor to write a report
saying that her daughter’s hymen had been ruptured
because she fell on a sharp object, a common lie
families tell in the case of rape,” Dr. Younis said. 

On the arrest of Iraqi men at their abodes, the wives
and sisters are taken hostages by American soldiers to
the open desert. In most cases, children had to
witness their mothers and grandmothers being beaten
and ravished out of their homes by the Americans. Once
a woman is taken to the desert near the camp, the
soldiers ingeniously devise ways of sexual humiliation
of Muslim women that range from performing group
fellatios to having orgies with the cowboys in
uniform. Despite the shame surrounding the events of
rapes, where the youngest victim was 9 years old and
the oldest was 64, four thousand cases of rapes were
involuntarily exposed. In return, a series of rapes on
the American troops started five weeks ago, where
Iraqi citizens kidnapped and raped cowboys in combat
before killing them. Blind to the fact that many
soldiers are actually homosexual, Iraqis persist on
deflowering the chastity of all Americans. The fact
that no rape by the British troops has yet been
reported poses the question : “Now, do we all know who
the Americans are and what they had wanted from Iraq?”

Published by the World Crisis Web 
Monday, October 20th, 2003 - 03:26pm GMT

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