On 2012-04-07, Robert Burrell Donkin wrote:

> Today, the podling website[1] is generated by Maven for Rat.

> A CMS based[2] replacement[3] has been in staging for a while. Some
> pages are edited using the bookmarklet (please feel free to jump in),
> others are generated using Maven then checked in. (For rat use 'mvn
> site:deploy -Pcms')

> Should we switch to the CMS...?

I have just tried the mvn-based site, I changed a single page and had to
commit all Javadocs - I don't think I like this.

In general I'm not a big fan of mvn sites with generated reports that
are useful for the projects developers but not for its users.  Given we
only have a few content-pages in total (less than 20, I'd guess), I'd
prefer to manage them via the CMS and drop the mvn site completely.

One nit

> [3] http://rat.staging.apache.org/rat/rat/

will need creadur in the first two "rat"-places once we move to the TLP.


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