I have one of the first batch of green QB's and it gets a pretty
consistent 120 miles/week commuting on mostly flats with some short
hills.  I used to ride it fixed until maybe 3 months ago, when I
flipped to the 16T freewheel and went to a 46T ring.  These aren't
great photos, but here it is:


Don't be put off by this thread.  I'm 6'3", 200 lbs and like to sprint
for traffic lights.  I seem to recall feeling the chain slacken maybe
once or twice early on, but slippage is not an issue as long as you
adequately tighten the QR.  I'll confess that I tighten the QR
slightly more on the QB than on a bike with vertical drops, but not
excessively....  The tuggnut thingy from Surly would make it a total
non-issue, but I'm not convinced it's necessary if you have a good QR.

For holding on a wheel, I've heard it from reliable sources that a QR
has a mechanical advantage over an axle nut, and don't ask me to
explain why :-)  but I tend to agree with this.  I would occasionally
have an axle slip back in my BMX racing days, but practically never on
horizontal-dropout'd road frames.  Then again, that could be a
function of 180mm cranks and all the leverage from BMX bars, and the
old electronic gate start....

Good luck, and I hope you decide to get a new QB.  The kickstand
bracket and mid-stay rack braze ons are smart additions to the latest
version, I think.


On Feb 25, 8:13 pm, "c.n.smith" <c.n.sm...@comcast.net> wrote:
> As somebody who is looking at getting one of the silver QB's, I am
> surprised at how many posts this topic has received.  I'm having a
> hard time telling how much of an issue slippage is for most QB
> owners.  Can somebody help me with some perspective.  Thanks in
> advance.
> -Chris
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