
I used Imron #44403 to paint a Bianchi in the 50s/60s style.  See the 
pics on Jim's Current Classics web site:

There's a link to an Imron color chart on Eric Norris' Campy Only web site:

Hope this helps.  Good luck!

Doug Way
Boulder, CO Rough Riders wrote:
> I am pleased to have a Roadeo on order and need to let the Rivendell
> folks know the Imron color. I am in the San Diego area. Can anyone
> suggest somewhere I can walk into to see an Imron color book or chart?
> The color I want is a very old school celeste, like Bianchis were 50
> years ago, sort of a pale blue. The Bianchis of recent decades are
> much darker and often much greener, I believe. They are obviously
> Bianchis to riders of the past decade because of "that color." I want
> the old style pale blue, because I like it better and also because I
> don't want it to say "Bianchi!" to riders of the current era.
> Can anyone advise?
> Thanks!
> Chris Kostman
> >

J. Douglas Way, Professor
Chemical Engineering Dept., Colorado School of Mines
1500 Illinois Street, Golden, CO  80401-7887  USA
Phone: 303-273-3519  Fax:  303-273-3730  Email:

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