My thought, based on the info provided and the photos, is that the 52cm is 
probably borderline for your husband. Which means, as set up, 
paradoxically, it could feel cramped to you because his handlebars are 
jacked to the max, which means they come back toward the saddle that much 
more, which they do more than just about any other bars anyway because they 
are Boscos.

I found I had to lower my Boscos (I have a stock 52cm Clementine, I am 
5'10" and shrinking). I also believe that the super upright position these 
bars encourage, even after lowering, tends to bring you toward the front of 
the saddle. With the lower rise and more forward bend, making the Albas, 
relatively speaking, more "aggressive", as the top half of your body leans 
forward, the rear tends to slide back. Without that ever so slightly more 
forward lean, your butt does not slide back when riding the Bosco position. 
These are kind of micro things, but coming from one to the other can be 
very noticeable. In any case, I gave myself one hundred days to grow 
accustomed to the Boscos before making any decision. 

One hundred days being the amount of time my old tai chi teacher said it 
took to develop a habit--at least a good habit. I have more to say about 
it, but to summarize, I am glad I gave it time, as I really like these 
bars, particularly for the state of mind they help foster while riding.  
However, I still occasionally experience that feeling you had, of being too 
far forward,  of wanting to be further back on the saddle. Which, as you 
say is weird on a Riv with a relaxed seat tube (I don't think chainstay 
length comes into play with this sensation) and as I said above I think 
comes about mostly because the zero lean position keeps your butt from 
sliding back. This may be why those Dutch city bikes have 69 degree seat 
tubes. My current saddle is a Brooks Flyer (B17 with springs). I just 
ordered a VO fat saddle with springs (Model 8?) so that I can get a bit 
more rail, and a bit more width to see if that alleviates the sensation.

Sadly, perhaps, I did not have the same patience when it came to the stock 
shifters. I tried everything I know to get those things to work properly, 
but they ghost shifted with regularity (a problem I documented in another 
thread here on RBW.) I have been using various shifting systems for almost 
50 years and never had a problem like this. I know there are others with a 
similar experience, and I suspect it is that a certain percentage of these 
things have some kind of defect. I swapped them out for a big honking set 
of Suntour stem shifters  I had in the parts bin. Despite the fact that the 
Bullmoose design blocks out half the movement, they still shift across all 
except the lowest gear, which I don't really need. I bought a second pair 
on eBay that install in a way that does not conflict with the BB bars, but 
they are not as big and Clemy, and the bike mechanic in me is constantly 
battling inertia, so the big honkers are still on there.

In terms of racks, I like the Surly six-pack, but it might be overkill for 
you. It also takes a bit of bending to get it right.

Unlike some others, and despite my lack of success with the stock shifters, 
I generally like the "factory" build just fine. I think the Bullmoose 
Boscos were conceived as almost a constructeur feature, a part that, for 
me, is integral to the bike (particularly the Clementine). I fully 
understand this does not mean that the bike won't work in other 
configurations, or that others might prefer those configurations. I even 
leave open the possibility that some day I might change the bars.

Anyway, my suggestion is switch bikes for 100 days.


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