I've been riding for many years in many places, and my worst experience 
(one of very few dangerous experiences) was this past summer. Near my house 
is a four-lane crossing over a freeway where the freeway is dug into a 
narrow channel, so it's not a long crossing and does not require a climb. 
Traffic is mild. Starting from a stoplight, I made a left turn onto the 
crossing, then a right turn off of it. Once off the crossing, I was in a 
bike lane. I guess someone was behind me, because a van pulled up on my 
left, matched my speed, and the driver began yelling something (I couldn't 
make out a single word, and wasn't trying to.) I didn't look in their 
direction or say anything or slow down or acknowledge their presence in any 
way. I guess they found that upsetting because they swerved over to hit me, 
which I avoided by braking. They were now stopped in the bike lane. As I 
moved to go around on their left, they accelerated and swerved into the 
road and stopped. After repeating that cycle once more, we had moved 
forward enough that I could turn onto my street and ride away. The entire 
time, I never said anything nor looked their way, nor did I make any 
gestures. I have no idea what they said nor why were so angry (the greatest 
possible distance they might have been behind me is 50 meters). I just 
didn't want to get murdered by a road racer in my own neighborhood.

On Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 9:41:46 AM UTC-7 eric...@gmail.com wrote:

> *First of all I'd like to note that starting this thread might not be a 
> great idea. But perhaps it would be a way for us to share some experiences, 
> vent or commiserate. *
> Well, I think a lot of us have been there. We've had a weird, scary, 
> too-close-for-comfort interaction with a motorist. It could be due to 
> driver inattention or downright overt aggression. It could have been your 
> fault or no fault of your own. Do you have a riding story involving a 
> motorist you'd like to share? 
> I live in Fredericksburg, VA, a small city built on a grid. We have an 
> historic district here, many streets are narrow with one-way traffic. There 
> are a few two-lane arteries designed to move cars. Posted speeds are 25 mph 
> (I always drive slower and leave my truck in 2nd gear). People drive like 
> maniacs on certain residential streets, sometimes reaching 50mph. I often 
> wish for more traffic calming infrastructure, crosswalks, speed tables and 
> the like. 
> In March 2021 I was riding my bike to the bike shop, about a 1.5 mile 
> trip. I was heading down a one-way street through a residential 
> neighborhood with street parking on the right and long, grassy, landscaped 
> park on the left. I was riding to the right side of the street. This 
> section of road has one lane and it is unusually wide. There is room for 
> someone to comfortably pass a cyclist. 
> Someone honked their horn at me but not in the "Hi, heads up, I'm about to 
> pass you please and thanks" sort of way but the "Get the fork off the 
> road!" kind of way. It was startling. I responded by taking the lane, which 
> is legal for cyclists in Virginia. I rode dead center in the middle of the 
> lane. I hoisted a one-finger salute and carried on riding. I rode in the 
> middle of the lane for approximately 100 feet before making a turn. 
> Yes, this was an escalation. And it was a bad decision. I don't think I'm 
> alone in feeling frustrated by displays of impatience and aggression from 
> drivers and feel that I have certain rights as a human person to ride 
> safely. It is sometimes difficult not to react in the moment. Motorists 
> might be not only impatient but totally deranged. Road rage is real. And 
> drivers are behind the wheel of a vehicle that is easily weaponized. With 
> just a feather of the gas pedal or a slight turn of the wheel they can 
> inflict irrevocable damage to a cyclist. 
> The driver responded to my salute by getting within a few feet of my back 
> wheel. When I  made a turn to carry on to the bike shop, they followed. I 
> could hear them revving their engine behind me and feathering the gas to 
> get close to my back wheel but not quite hit me. I continued to ride in the 
> middle of the road. 
> I heard something hit the street next to me. It was an unopened aluminum 
> can of a carbonated beverage (I didn't go back to check out whether it was 
> soda, beer or seltzer). Acknowledging the projectile I decided I had to 
> bail and get up on the sidewalk or somehow turn around to where the car 
> could not get to me. 
> As soon as I moved to the side to take a driveway apron up onto the 
> sidewalk the car passed me, then got right in front of me and slammed on 
> their brakes. I braked hard and managed not to do an endo onto their trunk 
> or hit their vehicle. The straddle cable hanger came loose from the front 
> brake cable. The driver sped off. I did not get their plates. 
> A few days later I went around the neighborhood and knocked on every door 
> with a doorbell camera that was along the path of my interaction with the 
> driver. Everyone I asked checked their footage but only one came back with 
> anything showing me or the driver. There was a clip of the driver revving 
> their engine behind me and throwing the can. You can see the can fly 
> through the air and hear it land in the street. I got a good profile shot 
> of the car (2005 Acura TL, maroon with custom window trim), but no view of 
> the tags. 
> This is, by far, the worst interaction I've had with a motorist. I've only 
> been riding for a few years. There are others that aren't nearly as bad but 
> still register as scary and unnecessary. They most often occur when a 
> vehicle is passing. I find that a lot if not *all* of the hairy 
> situations I've experienced with motorists would not have occurred if the 
> drivers had demonstrated just 5 to 10* seconds *of patience. 
> [image: Screen Shot 2022-10-09 at 12.37.28 PM.png]

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