Re: Maxy Fasty - I think of the M-F as a JB Green cut down to 584, but
mine weigh 340-350 gm, and I'd think they should be lighter than a JB
if they had the same construction.

For a nice rolling, not-too-expensive 28, I like the Vittoria Rubino
Pro a bit better than the Roly Poly.  Haven't ridden the Challenge,


On May 27, 12:42 pm, Steve Palincsar <> wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-05-27 at 12:35 -0700, Anne Paulson wrote:
> > On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 12:25 PM, Steve Palincsar <> wrote:
> > > BQ found the Rolly Poly to have more than middle of the pack rolling
> > > resistance.  Nobody's ever tested the JB's that I know of; all we have
> > > to go on is Andy Hampsten raves about them as do many others.  In the
> > > absence of any sort of test data to go on, I think you should try them
> > > and let us know how they work out.
> > I will, but I'm more interested in what is actually true than what
> > seems to be true. To my eye, the Jack Brown looks like a wider version
> > of the Rolly Poly-- that is, they seem to be identical in all but
> > width. So, all other things being equal, as they are, does a wider
> > tire have more, less or the same rolling resistance?
> Let's underline "looks like".  It does indeed look like an oversize RP,
> but then the Maxy Fasty looks like a fatter, smaller diameter RP as
> well. Jan certainly seems to think so, based on what he's said on the
> lists.  But it might not be the same construction.  We really don't
> know.  Nobody's published a documented comparison or any sort of
> objective rolling resistance data.
> You have a chance to be the first!

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