I'm curious how this sort of setup works in strong, steady headwinds.
You mention being able to rest your elbows on the grips while grasping
the flat. Does this work for 10 miles or more at a stretch?

It's odd, but I find that when I sit up straight, I lose power. I am
sure others find things different -- I remember with, well, not so
much humiliation as humility, how a young guy, sitting bolt upright on
a cheap hybrid, caught up with me riding strenuously in the hooks and
cheerfully yelled out, "Howzit going?" before passing me. But I can
feel extra power even moving from the hoods to the hooks and find that
when I hold the ramps or the flats, I tend to bog if there is any
resistance from air or hill. Perhaps its a  mashing versus spinning

On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 4:23 PM, René Sterental <orthie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I took delivery of the new Bosco Rubbe Bullmoose bar today and proceeded to
> install it on my Hunqapillar. http://tinyurl.com/7bmmkfl
> Initial impressions:


> - They have a lot of rise and a fairly short quill. I have inserted them
> fully, leaving just a tiny gap so they don't rub on the top of the headset
> and on the Hunqapillar at least, I don't think I need them any higher at
> all. After more rides I'll be able to tell whether they are more comfortable
> for me than the Bullmoose bars I had, but I don't think their height will
> change.
> Additionally, if I want to get "aereo" or if there is a strong headwind, I
> can comfortably place my hands on the front flat section while having the
> grips support my elbows for a very confident position.

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