Brian - a masterful taping job.  Please post a picture when you do the noodles.

Mike - that's a really shiny coat.  I did another coat this evening.  

Philip - the shellac does a pretty good job of locking in the color/beausage, give it a try.

Thanks for the replies, Joan

On 10/29/12, Brian Hanson<> wrote:
They are VO Porteur bars.  I actually just took them off and I'm going to Noodles :)  Another shellacing...


On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 4:03 PM, Philip Williamson <> wrote:
That looks fantastic. Are those Albatross bars with moustache-style road levers? 

On Monday, October 29, 2012 1:51:30 PM UTC-7, stonehog wrote:
Here is my last wrap session after 3 coats of amber: - "good protection" is up to your needs.  I generally do 3 coats to get it to look "finished" for my tastes.  It will wear after a good rain or sweat session, so I would expect the beausage to start in pretty soon if you live anywhere it rains.  

I actually prefer it to look used - it's like new shoes. They look fake until they are scuffed up.  

Seattle, WA

On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 1:24 PM, Joan Oppel <> wrote:
I really like Newbaum's tape, mostly because I like the colors and how they deepen with shellacking.  My Bleriot came from Rivendell with cloth tape wrapped over cork tape underneath and shellacked.  That was 6 years ago and I really liked how it felt and lasted.  I've since re-done in the same way the Bleriot bars, other bars and a few days ago did another bike with Newbaum's over cork - there are 4 separate shots of the tape:

So, the Newbaum's is somewhat fragile and really needs to be shellacked, I think.  Here's the question:  after wrapping, I put on 3 coats of shellac over a couple of days.  The pictures are after a 150 mile weekend of riding so the tape definitely got a little human sweat/dirty hands use added to it.  

Is there a rule of thumb for how many coats provide good protection?  What do those of you who are 'shellackers' usually do?  Or, is it a matter of what final shade of color you're trying to achieve?

Thanks - 
Riv content:  the Newbaum's orange tape was purchased from Rivendell.  Plus, I always re-watch the bar wrapping and shellacking videos from Rivendell before re-doing handlebars.  I really like the music that accompanies Riv videos.

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