For what you seem to want the first two demo worksheets
Data transfer and Writing macros probably give you
the information you are looking for.

You need to run the macros from the buttons and then look at the Code
modules in Writing macros.

D'Antuono, Mario wrote:
> Thanks Erich.
> I appreciate your work in developing RExcel.
> My problem like many people is that I WANT TO RUN before I can WALK. I will 
> check your examples and hope that might learn a bit more about your setup.
> Kind regards,
> M.
> Mario F. D'Antuono
> Biometrics Unit
> Department of Agriculture and Food
> Government of Western Australia
> ------------------------------------------------
> Address: 3 Baron-Hay Court, South Perth  WA  6151
> Postal: Locked Bag 4, Bentley Delivery Centre  WA  6983 
> Telephone: (08) 9368 3848 International +61+8+9368 3848
> Fax (08) 9368 2958
> Mobile: 0400 576 764
> ________________________________
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Erich Neuwirth
> Sent: Mon 06-Oct-08 8:37 PM
> To: R (D)COM and RExcel server related issues
> Subject: Re: [Rcom-l] More on Get R output and why does it echo so much in 
> 1pass?
> We did not push you to use RExcel ;-)
> You decided on your own.
> If you should use it depends on what you want.
> If you want the results of R computations in Excel,
> and you want numbers to live in separate cells,
> then you should probably use it.
> With our copy and paste you get lines of text,
> not numbers in cells.
> RExcel has 5 demo workbooks showing what you can do.
> They are available from the RExcel menu.
> Have a look at these. They will show you what you can accomplish
> with the connection mechanism.
> On Oct 6, 2008, at 2:20 PM, D'Antuono, Mario wrote:
>> Many thanks to Richard Heiberger for his many comments and 
>> suggestions as well as Erich Neuwirth for their advice.I appreciate 
>> your time and effort in replying to my queries.
>> But I feel really confused as to why I would want to use REXCEL if I 
>> can just copy and paste my simple lines into the  R console and get 
>> what I want?
>> ie this is the output from R console which I want  ...
>>> eg1 <-  read.csv('eg1.csv',header=TRUE)
>>> aov1 <- aov(yield~ factor(Treatment)+factor(Block),data=eg1)
>>> anova(aov1)
>> Analysis of Variance Table
>> Response: yield
>>                  Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)
>> factor(Treatment)  3 10.7358  3.5786 112.026 1.173e-05 ***
>> factor(Block)      2  1.7150  0.8575  26.843  0.001016 **
>> Residuals          6  0.1917  0.0319
>> ---
>> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
>> Sorry for bieng so obstinate but I do not want to be an Excel VBA 
>> expert. I just would like to have a facility for my colleagues to 
>> run my few lines via RExcel with just the above output in 1 pass 
>> (not 2 or more?)? Is it really that hard to have a switch in RExcel 
>> to give me the above output?
>> Also Richard, I see that the Venables and Smith Introduction to R 
>> suggests an equal sign  = (which i find easier to explain to non-
>> statisticians who are used to Excel) should work and gives the same 
>> output as using the assign characters ( <- ). Looks easier to read 
>> too and type. Have I got it wrong?
>> The longer  output from Get R output is which is too long especially 
>> if i had hundreds of records in my data file
>>> eg1 <-  read.csv('eg1.csv',header=TRUE)     
>>   plot Block Treatment yield 
>> 1     1     1         D   4.6
>> 2     2     1         A   7.3
>> 3     3     1         C   5.5
>> 4     4     1         B   6.3
>> 5     5     2         A   6.6
>> 6     6     2         C   5.4
>> 7     7     2         D   4.1
>> 8     8     2         B   5.9
>> 9     9     3         B   5.6
>> 10   10     3         D   3.5
>> 11   11     3         C   4.9
>> 12   12     3         A   6.0
>>> aov1 <- aov(yield~ factor(Treatment)+factor(Block),data=eg1)
>> Call:
>>   aov(formula = yield ~ factor(Treatment) + factor(Block), data = 
>> eg1) 
>> Terms:       
>>                factor(Treatment) factor(Block) Residuals     
>> Sum of Squares          10.735833      1.715000  0.191667    
>> Deg. of Freedom                 3             2         6    
>> Residual standard error: 0.1787301   
>> Estimated effects may be unbalanced  
>>> anova(aov1) 
>> Analysis of Variance Table   
>> Response: yield      
>>                  Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)        
>> factor(Treatment)  3 10.7358  3.5786 112.026 1.173e-05 ***   
>> factor(Block)      2  1.7150  0.8575  26.843  0.001016 **    
>> Residuals          6  0.1917  0.0319                         
>> ---  
>> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1       
>> Sorry for being so confused but is there any hope for me with RExcel 
>> to get what I want? It should be so easy I thought?
>> M.
>> Mario D'Antuono
>> Biometrics Unit
>> Department of Agriculture and Food
>> Government of Western Australia
>> ------------------------------------------------
>> Address: 3 Baron-Hay Court, South Perth  WA  6151
>> Postal: Locked Bag 4, Bentley Delivery Centre  WA  6983
>> Telephone: (08) 9368 3848 International +61+8+9368 3848
>> Fax (08) 9368 2958
>> Mobile: 0400 576 764
>> ________________________________
>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Richard 
>> M. Heiberger
>> Sent: Sun 05-Oct-08 12:28 PM
>> To: R(D)COM and RExcel server related issues
>> Subject: RE: [Rcom-l] Installing RExcel on a windowsmachine 
>> withExcel 2002(sp3)
>> I figured out what Mario DAntuono did to get the behavior he is 
>> reporting.
>> The technical answer is that the right-click 'Run R' command 
>> eventually
>> runs the macro RMenuMacros.SendCommands which includes the line
>>        cmdString = 
>> "putRExcel("".rexcel.last.output"",capture.output(print(try({" & _
>>                    cmdString & "},silent=TRUE))))"
>> The print() function in that statement is giving the output that 
>> isn't wanted.
>> I think the solution is to use two different 'Run R' commands
>> instead of only one.  In your example, I would use one 'Run R'
>> command for the two lines
>> setwd('C:/RxM/Examples/Roo')
>> eg1 = read.csv('eg1.csv',header=TRUE)
>> and a separate 'Run R' for the line
>> tmp.aov <- aov(A ~ C, data=tmp)
>> The 'Get R Output' would show only the printout from the
>> most recent 'Run R'.
>> Now, to duplicate the situation, we need 7 steps:
>> 1. Create a file in your home directory, for example,
>> tmp.csv, containing 5 lines
>> A,B,C
>> 1,2,a
>> 4,5,b
>> 7,8,c
>> 10,11,d
>> 2. In Excel, enter the three lines in cells A1:A3
>> getwd()
>> tmp <- read.csv("tmp.csv")
>> tmp.aov <- aov(A ~ C, data=tmp)
>> 3. Highlight A1:A3 and right-click 'Run R'
>> 4. right-click 'Get R Output' to
>> see the complete transcript of the three lines that were input
>> to the 'Run R' statement, including
>> the output from the two assignments that were wrapped in
>> the print() statement by the macro.  The output from the
>> second line is the output that is not wanted.
>> 5. Highlight A1:A2 and right-click 'Run R'
>> 6. Highlight A3 and right-click 'Run R'
>> 7. right-click 'Get R Output' to
>> see the transcript from running the the one line in cell A3
>> that was run in the 'Run R' statement.
>> This is the output that is wanted.
>> Please note that I used " <- ", an assignment arrow surrounded
>> by spaces, for the assignments.  This is strongly preferred by
>> most R programmers over the "=" sign.
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> --
> Erich Neuwirth
> Didactic Center for Computer Science and Institute for Scientific 
> Computing
> University of Vienna
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