It is not illegal in Minnesota to DIY wire in most circumstances - in the
home.  If an licensed electrician comes in to do the wiring it must be
inspected even if he's doing the work as a side job.  Any wiring done by the
home owner does not have to be.  Of course if it is deemed that the wiring
you did as a home owner is the cause of an electrical fire, you insurance of
course does not have to pay as long as they can prove that the faulty wiring
was the fault of the home owner.  The burden of proof would be on them.
There are of course exceptions to every rule.  I personally replaced every
outlet, phone jack, cable jack, and switch in our old house, but I have
worked as an appretice electrician (under my father-in-law) and as an
electronics technician in the Army.  Laws can vary greatly from state to
state.  Currently in our town, there is no building inspector.  Our pharmacy
remodel doesn't require inspection unless structural changes are made and
it's in the city limits.  Yet in our old town I had to pull a building
permit ($75.00) to re-roof the house and the inspector told me he drove by
the house and "everything looked good".  He didn't even stop.   It's a crap
shoot in the US.


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