Chelmsford, UK - July 12th 2009

So there goes another weekend, and two full days worth of tanking gone 
by.  Many tanks go to an assortment of people, many of whom achieved the 

A two day battle was hosted, and many thanks go to the groundsman and 
the headteacher of the school whose playing field we borrow.  Paint was 
fired, and points were scored.  However, due to missing pieces of 
paperwork from several commanders, final scores are difficult to come by 
as yet.

Video footage from the event was recorded and is in the process of being 
cut to a more manageable size (I.E. smaller than hours of not a lot 
going on, and 1.8GB).  A preview is heading photobucket direction now.

I've learned quite a lot from this two day experience.
1) Always, always, have spares of everything.  And that includes high 
tensile bolts, Neil.

2) T027 needs its tracks replacing.  Hinges may be a little better at 
keeping "on track" and staying together.

3) FA006 needs the rotate mechanism improving, using mini-locknuts to 
prevent it simply falling apart.

4) T027 needs its marker investigating as it appears not to recock....

Other than that, it was awesome fun.  Even the weather was reasonably 
kind to us.

Chris Malton

Assets: FA006, T027

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