Having thought about my comments for a few days I would like to
apologise for the use of the phrase "pointless idiot" I didnt intend
to upset anybody with my unfortunate choice of words but I can see why
it did.
I do however believe that any adult in a developed country has the
chance to build a tank for themselves. its a simple case of what your
prepared to sacrifice to enable it to happen. obviously its harder for
some and easier for others.
If you dont think its worth doing , then dont do it.

I would like to point out that Mr Bill Hamilton ,you are wrong in your
statement that a Death Star trumps a tank . Paintball tanks are the
best fun there is . and that comes from a devoted life long Starwars
fan. I can only suggest that you build a tank and find out how much
fun and reward can be had .

Neil "Tank commander since 07 but Jedi since 77" R

On May 28, 7:08 pm, Bill Hamilton <billw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 12:15 PM,  <dwconn...@comcast.net> wrote:
> > That said, I can empathize with Neil. Even the "elitist old boys" are
> > entitled to an opinion. It's extremely frustrating for me to see the same
> > people write in for years without ever producing anything. Like Neil, I
> > wonder why they bother.
> I am one of those people who have participated in this group for years
> without producing anything.  I came across the rctankcombat site back
> in the late 90s, and I've been on and off this list (and before here,
> the old mailing list) as time allowed. Only recently have I had the
> means and opportunity to put together a workshop, let alone have
> several grand to spare to put together a tank.  Now that I'm close to
> paying off the credit cards that got me through too many years of
> half-time classes and full-time work, I can turn my thoughts to
> actually building something.  Heck, this year was supposed to be "the
> year of the tank"; it has since turned into the year of "building my
> nephew a death star playset because my sister can't keep a secret for
> more than five minutes."  :)  Believe me, if I could have built one
> before now, I would have.  Circumstances simply didn't allow it, but I
> did what I could to be a part of the community and help out those who
> were building tanks.
> However, if this community is becoming the sort that thinks it's fine
> to insult and look down on people who haven't had the opportunity to
> build a tank, people who think the only contribution one can make to
> this group is to build a tank, I'm not sure that I want to do so.
> There are plenty of things I can spend my time and money doing.  I'd
> rather not spend them around the sort of person who thinks it's fine
> to knock down people contributing to this community just because they
> haven't had a chance to build a tank.
> (And, yes, "Unca Bill's gonna bring me a Death Star!" trumps building
> a tank any day.)
> --
> -Bill Hamilton

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