Clued-up, Naah, just making it up as I go along.

I've thought it through to about a dozen steps ahead, but I'm bound to
screw it up somewhere. Basing things as close as I can on the real
thing should help as the real one did, and still does, work quite

Blowing up my old welder wasn't that much of a surprise; I've worked
it pretty hard over the last 10 years. The shiny new one is now in my
grubby little paws, so I'll be having a go at the lower hull this
weekend. With a bit of luck I'll get to some welding, but I'll
probably just get the plates cut-up and shaped ready, we'll see how
time goes (usually it's Whoosh – and it's gone!)

I've been having some interesting ideas for my turret 'workings', I
know it's a bit early but If I can a) fit it in, and b) sort out the
electrickery bits, it might give me an edge in battle. I'll keep it up
my sleeve for now...

I doubt very much if anyone will be learning from me here, perhaps
when I complete my 3rd or 4th AFV I might have some tales to tell, but
right now I feel like a one-legged man at an arse kicking contest, I
know what to do in theory, but the practice could see me flat on my
own arse!

I can sort out the photo's size but I still can't figure out how to
add one, I must be a bit dim but I don't see how to add them (even the
old standby of Ctrl/v wont put one in!) somebody put me out of my
misery, please!
(I might have a clue now, just read another email and there is a
message on the bottom saying that I can post by e-mail, is that how
you imbed pictures, send an e-mail in HTML ???? )


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