I had a few items I wanted to present after reading the first 8 or 9
posts, but now that I have finnished reading up to this point , all
neccessary pouints seem to be made. Wearing my law enforcemant "hat" I
strongly suggest that without all the proper licences, certification,
and legal representation...... do not place a firearm as defined by
your local, state, and federal juristiction into an rc vehicle. Sounds
fun and all, but only as an entertainig thought. I agree with
Pittelli, if you would like to entertain the notion of procceding with
such a project, please don't pursue it in this discussion group where
others may get the wrong idea of what we are about.

Patron, I have enjoyed your input to our group and hope to hear more
in the future. Thank you for the stimulating discusion.

Aaron F

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